Ọmọ Olubisi
Ọmọ aláro tin jogun ẹsin
Ọsọ eyi yẹ Tápà abiru ti ẹmi
Ọmọ ajifowurọ dana kulikuli
Ẹsọ wẹrẹ ara Ilodo nle Olubisi
Àyè Tapa lo wun mi
Boba digba oku Tapa mi o ni si nle
Wọn ni ẹ wo’tutu owu
Wọn ni ẹ wa’fara oyin
Otutu owu sọpọ
Afara oyin sọwọn gogo
Ọmọ adada-ku-ada
Ọmọ Onilero ti f’ẹsẹ jo bi iji
Ọmọ elegun mọ na n mọ
Adẹẹgbẹẹ mo se’bo ti na mi lekan ni?
Ọmọ onigunu ari nawo
Ọmọ onigunu ariyọ sẹsẹ
Ọmọ onigun ti fi kulikuli sọdun
Ẹ wi fẹni ti o gbọ
Ẹ ro fẹni ti o mọ
Ẹ sọ fun wọn pe Tapa loni’gunu
Ọsẹ wẹwẹ ara Ilodo
Olubisi ọmọ alaro lo lẹsin.
Source of Article: https://www.orisa.com.ng
AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.
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OSUN Initiation
Begging of the elders
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