Online babalawo and the fear it brings
Every babalawo now has a shop online to make money .
So those all the scammers too, they want to make money.
But then the fake babalawo because if their good pr job and publicity,they tend to have many followers and those numbers decieve a lot of people.
They think OLODUMARE answers prayer through the number of fake followers you have?
So the fake babalawo with a very large numbers of followers got all the job,the contract, the spiritual work .
And if their work doesn’t work, you blame all babalawo and call them fakes.
My brother, You are the one that is carried away with numbers
Problem of online Babalawo are not limited to the followings
Many are scammers
Many don’t know what they do
Many give false narrative and Information
Well, I can’t talk more than this .
I have seen Those who called themselves OSUN children displaying a giant snake etc
I wonder if OSUN is snake related, those are one of my reasons for writing about OSUN and Eleriko.
If you have a question you would like me to talk on, I would be more than happy to help.
Source of Article:
AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.
You can contact AJE NLA for ...
ODU OBATALA Consultation
OSUN Initiation
Begging of the elders
Feeding of ORISA OSUN, OBATALA, Egbe Orun, TAJENIKARO (AJE that fights for your wealth), AJELETI (AJE from IYAAMI), ONIMERE (for all Emere), AJASORO (Revenge and door opener), AJE OLOKUN, ESU, ELEGBA (Justice and way opener) etc.
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