1. Epo igi akoko( bark of family tree, its scientific name is called Newbouldia leave,it is from the family Bignoniaceae ) put a sufficient water inside oru (a small pot) take the fresh bark cover of this tree inside the water.
Boil it for an hour; don’t cover it during boiling so that it will not spill over the fire or the cooking stove you are using.
After that remove it from fire and leave it for a whole day to get cool. You can now cover it to avoid contamination.
Start using it from the second day. Use the herbal concoction to wash your face and head every night and every morning.
Also drink half of a cup of it two times a day for a week or until you cure migraine totally.
2. You can also take alubosa ayu mefa (six bulb of garlic onion) and alubosa gidi mefa (six bulb of ordinary onion) add one litre of water boil it in a local clay pot.
Always use the water to wash your face and head in the morning.
Source of Article: https://www.orisa.com.ng
AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.
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