What is IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO best food?

What is IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO best food?

While we all have our different recipe for begging the elders based on where we have been in the spirit realm or the book we read .
Just like humans, IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO have taste for what they eat, they loved one particular recipe more than the other .
IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO have their best food for begging them and you won’t be able to find that in any book .
Very from from what you are thinking because I know you are thinking.
To really enjoy your relationship with IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO you need to know what they like to eat most.
Can you tell me your experience with IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO explaining what you think they loved to eat most ?
I remained AJE NLA
The son of OBATALA

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