Let us carry out this simple assignment to find out if there are forces in our dwellings. Ofcourse, everyone should know that if there are forces in your home, things will not go well, there will be bad dreams, cobwebs within the house, dissapointment and other bad experiences.
 Infact, with forces in your dwellings, no amount of spiritual things will work for you when you use it no matter how effective or costly it is.
Put one cube sugar or one spoon of sugar in each of the corners of your room. After 5hrs or more, check if there are ants on the sugar.
a. If no ant, then there are too powerful forces in your house and have gained much ground there.
b. If there is small ants on it, it means there are forces in the house but not much
c. If there is plenty ants on it and they almost finish sugars within a shot while, it means your house is free from forces.
In the case of when no ants in the sugar at all, put native or sea salt (salt measured in cups in the market, not sachet salt) beside the sugar. After three days, pack eveything and put another sugar there to see if ants would come on it. Keep doing it till you’re satisfied with the outcome. You can do it in your shop as well.

Source of Article:

AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733

This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.

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