Can I be initiated through the dream ?
Many people has been in babalawo business or doing isese for quiet some ages or centuries but they are still at a junction, never making any progress .
We are AJE NLA,the son of OBATALA. If you want to hear the truth,then you need to sit down and read another eye opening article from us and please kindly share it.
With the uprising of ISESE and Yoruba tradition, we only have like 40% of the world who believe in egbe orun aka spiritual friends and family.
Out of those who believe in egbe orun, only 12% of them have managed to do their egbe orun initiation.
What is egbe orun if I may define it .
Egbe Orun refers to those spiritual worlds where we have other creatures, species who has come to you to be part of your life as you would also be part of their life . They have made a convenant and wow to always be part of your life no matter what
This are what we refer to as egbe orun.
Egbe Orun are unmetered or numbered as they are numerous according to various world and realms.
That means that we have uncountable egbe orun has we have uncountable universe.
We have some basic egbe Orun like IYALODE, Jagun, ANIWURA, Eleriko, alaragbo, anifowose and many others.
This basic egbe orun are where people belongs to before coming to this world that is why many people dream of seeing water, snakesz seeing people wearing white, seeing or flying in the dream etc.
This is where I am going ….
There are two types of Initiation
The physical Initiation that is done by an OLUWO,be it IFA INITIATION, OSUN Initiation, OBATALA Initiation, SANGO Initiation and other ORISA Initiation.
We have the spiritual ,dream Initiation where some groups of people would initiate you or do some Initiation for you.
This two types of Initiation goes hand in hands because they are like left and right side of life.
If you went for any Initiation, be it IFA, OLOKUN, OBATALA, OSUN and any ORISA Initiation. After the INITIATION is done, you need to have a second or should I say the spiritual Initiation which would happen in the dream few days after your physical Initiation into IFA or OSUN or OLOKUN, or any other ORISA Initiation.
The problem is that the second Initiation is lost and cannot be found in many IFA and ORISA Initiation of nowadays. This are one of the many reason why people don’t feel , see or communicate with the ORISA of their Initiation after the INITIATION because the spiritual Initiation is missing .
Because the spiritual Initiation is missing , the Initiate would not dream or see the ORISA in the dream or sleep or have a spiritual guidance from an ORISA .
Some of us are spiritual gifted and have a very high spirits,many of us are travellers in the dream and we have been to many universe such that many universe have initiated us into being one of them as they are part of us too.
Many Initiation is done in the dream for many people even when they haven’t done any form of physical Initiation.
When such people who have been initiated in the dream finally have an ORISA, the power and energy from those dream Initiation would joined force with the physical Initiation, enhance the physical INITIATION and assist the Initiate to be able to communicate with them using a physical items.
Someone that has been initiated in the dream would have a lot of energy, vibration and all those powers would joined together to work and enhance the physical or ORISA INITIATION which has been done physically.
So many people has been initiated in their dream , their Initiation means such person can visit those realms at any point in time ,and the people from such realm can also visit such person .
People who has been initiated into many realms have more egbe orun which they belong to.
Some people are so powerful that they belong to up to 100 egbe orun and they are so active that they participate in those egbe orun.
People who have done a lot of dream Initiation would just need to do an ORISA Initiation, even if it’s egbe orun initiation. It is enough for them.
They just need a good and authentic physical Initiation that would merge all their powers and help them to channel their energy into one.
Now, if you do any form of physical Initiation and it’s not authentic. It’s just a waste of effort and resources.
We are not all the same and not on the same spiritual level. People of a high spiritual level are having more egbe orun and have done a lot of Initiation in the dream. They just needed something to channel their spiritual energy, that’s all.
To get a legit ORISA or IFA initiation is a big problem.
If your physical ORISA or IFA INITIATION is legit and complete, in your dream the ORISA would still Initiate you and also combined all other Initiation that you have done in the dream together, binding them all into one. This is a good explanation of what have been trying to say since morning .
Most Initiation today lack the spiritual Initiation and if you have done so many dream Initiation before your ORISA or IFA INITIATION.
If your ORISA and IFA INITIATION was not done correctly, the ORISA or IFA would not do any spiritual Initiation for you neither would the ORISA or IFA bind your dream Initiation with the ones they do for you physically.
This are spiritual matters that can only be spoken off by a spiritual person .
In all you do, always remember that
OBATALA is the father and creator of all ORISA , the king of all ORISA .
ORUNMILA is the king of all priest
OLOKUN is the reason why IFA is still doing consultation.
ELEGBA is the father of all avatar of ESU
OSUN is the first female ORISA ., The true mother nature.
We are AJE NLA
The son of OBATALA
Source of Article:
AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.
You can contact AJE NLA for ...
ODU OBATALA Consultation
OSUN Initiation
Begging of the elders
Feeding of ORISA OSUN, OBATALA, Egbe Orun, TAJENIKARO (AJE that fights for your wealth), AJELETI (AJE from IYAAMI), ONIMERE (for all Emere), AJASORO (Revenge and door opener), AJE OLOKUN, ESU, ELEGBA (Justice and way opener) etc.
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