Has 3 women visited before in your dream ?
The three woman that pays you a visit are called IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO.
IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO always pay their visit to people in their dream and this are because of many reasons .
They may visit you to bless you by bringing calabash of wealth to you .
I love their blessing anytime they bring those calabash to me.
IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO may visit you to remind you of your convenant with them, those of you that made a promise of buying a goat for IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO anytime they answered your prayer, they answered your prayer and you decided not to pay back your convenant .
Small time now they would be saying IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO are bloody or drinking blood but they are not drinking blood or blood hungry .
When you offend IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO especially you made a convenant and you didn’t pay back, they can do and undo . In as much as you are the one that broke the promise .. nobody can save you .
IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO may decide to come and give you warning in your dream because they loved you and they don’t want you to die anytime sooner .
They may decide to warn you .
Iyaami ELEYE and IYAMOPO are very good in telling future occurrence, they may pay you a visit to tell you what would happen in the next few days or weeks or months or even year.
They are good in telling future events .
There are many reasons why IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO pay people a visits but this are just few .
I remain AJE NLA
The son of OBATALA
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