OBATALA knows what you need

At this junction I must confess that people don’t really know who or what OBATALA is all about .

In a matter of facts people have been made to believe that IFA is the greatest or the supreme.

But it is all an irony, IFA is not the greatest or the supreme.

All this attributes or qualifications are for OBATALA . OBATALA is the greatest and supreme.

Being the supreme ORISA , he knows what you want .

OBATALA listen quietly to every heart desires and he always granted them in silence .

OBATALA is a very quiet ORISA that doesn’t like noise, OBATALA doesn’t make noise and he doesn’t want noise .

In fact it would take a lot of energy to experience OBATALA if you have not been lifted in the spirit Because OBATALA is a very quiet ORISA .

Being quiet doesn’t mean that OBATALA is absent or not there.

OBATALA does his things quietly and you would definitely know.

OBATALA is the ORISA living in the highest of heavens and realms . As the king his throne is the tallest, farthest and probably why he is quiet . You have to pay attention to him or else you would loose him.

Those who needed a child are always giving by OBATALA, what do you need and you want OBATALA to answer you ?

OBATALA said AJE NLA, what do you want and I would give it to you .

Source of Article: https://www.orisa.com.ng

AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733

This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.

You can contact AJE NLA for ...

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