ODU doesn’t lie but IFA can lie

ODU doesn’t lie but IFA can lie

Now I am getting on the nerves of all this Babalawo and untrained OLUWO up and down .

It’s a lie to say that IFA doesn’t lie .

IFA closes from 6pm, the spirit goes to rest while ODU doesn’t sleep at all. You can consult till you can’t consult anymore.

Read ODU the energy that never sleeps

ODU the energy that never sleeps

ODU belongs to OBATALA while IFA belongs to ORUNMILA.

IFA verse that said OBATALA created ODU https://www.orisa.com.ng/2024/08/odu-ifa-verse-that-says-obatala-created-odu.html

Which ODU IFA says that OBATALA created ORUNMILA ?

ODU IFA verse that says OBATALA created ODU

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IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO can block your IFA from functioning but no ORISA or Power can block ODU from working .

Read iyaami ELEYE and IYAMOPO can block IFA

IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO can alter and block babalawo from seeing IFA


When you ask some questions about some hidden mystery, IFA sometimes and most times give inaccurate readings and result


This is why many babalawo are still finding it hard to consult about AJE NLA articles simply because their IFA is either block or hide the truth.

When IFA is blocked or faulty ,when your IFA is under punishment of IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO, we can say that your IFA is faulty .

Read who is more powerful between IYAAMI ELEYE and IFA

Who is more powerful between IYAAMI ELEYE and IFA?


When your IFA is blocked and you make consultation to or with that IFA , the IFA would be telling you stories and lies .

No matter how many times you consult that IFA , it would give you lies ..

ODU on the other hand is the life force of the universe, it doesn’t rest or sleep neither can it be blocked by anyone because it is controlled directly by OBATALA.

IFA is a weapon of ORUNMILA to modified the truth and glorified himself.

It modified the truth,sometimes it give you the truth if your request is not too big.

Asking IFA if OBATALA created ORUNMILA would make the IFA to say rubbish because it won’t want to reveal the truth because once the truth is known, it may not go well with the business of ORUNMILA.

The son of OBATALA

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