Only a true son of the ORISA can speak about the ORISA 

Many claim to be the son and daughter of a particular ORISA yet they hardly know anything about that ORISA .
They dedicate their life listening to what other people tell them about that ORISA .
How can you be a son of SANGO and you have never met him before in your dream?
How can you he a daughter of OSUN and you don’t know what OSUN look like?
They think spirituality is not part of YORUBA Tradition, they think spirituality is meant for other religions like Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and many others.
Little did we know that spirituality was stolen from us. We are the spiritualist, not other religion like Christianity or Islam .
We had been duped by those we looked up to who called themselves Our Elders . Do they really cared about us??
They just want to write their own book and let us buy while they enrich their pocket .
Is that what Isese is all about????? Buying books and we never made any connections or contact with the ORISA .
When I started speaking of OBATALA and ORUNMILA, it get on some people’s nerve, they even send their armies and whatever.
They went ahead and send ESU to me ,they gave ESU his taboo and said I am the one that gave him the taboo.
ESU came, he sat and we talked.. we drank palm oil together with …….
And what happened? Many have been silenced facing one or two things quietly.
Many people have not had an encounter with the ORISA they claimed to have.
They don’t know what OSUN look like
They can’t tell if ESU is black or white 
They can’t talk about Sango and OYA
We call ourselves Isese and yet we can’t make any connections with the ORISA .
We rely on books before we can talk about them.
Just like a call from a Claimed journalist which I know was sent to me…..
She said AJE NLA is saying something else different from what she believes or have heard .
She said which book am I copying them from ?
I asked her this few questions.
Those who wrote those book she quotes as reference, which book were they copied from ?
She become dumb.
AJE NLA asked, must I copied from a book before I write about an ORISA ? 
Those who write about ORISA ,where do they get the inspiration from ???
I just cut off the mobile phone as she was just a pawn looking for her own death…
Just like a few Araba have called me, they said they are in a meetings and they want me to explain 
I told them frankly, 
1. Go and watch my videos very well before calling me, make sure you memorize them before calling me. Make reference to each video according to title, minutes, and ODU that was quoted .
2. I told this groups of Araba in a meetings waiting for me to answer their questions, I said I am happy that they are all Araba because that means they have IFA to consult with .
I said they should all bring out their IFA and ask their IFA 
There is one small boy that is telling us lies , IFA is it true or not.?
I told them to ask their IFA this questions like 20 times to be very such.
Then they can call me back and tell me .
The group of Araba cut off the phone in anger.
I don’t know why all this people thinks I fell from the sky or may be they saw me as a threat to their livelihood. Their livelihood means their way of making a living or making money.
Everyone must have a selling point.
You really need to understand that ORUNMILA signed a contract with AJE NLA
ORUNMILA is not making a fuse neither is ORUNMILA making a noise .
A lot of death messengers have been sent, some people sent IYAAMI ELEYE and IYAMOPO,some people sent ESU, some people send other things they can send…
If I send my own, you won’t survive it. . You know…
On a final note,
Do your ORISA , Egbe Orun INITIATION where you would have spirituality.
Do your Initiation where they would have time for you after your Initiation.
Do your Initiation where they would give you all the details you needed so that you won’t be looking for another person .
Looks can be decieving.
How much are they selling good luck soap in your area?
Every dog and cats are now a product seller but we don’t sell products
What we sell is knowledge about spirituality 
Between knowledge and product, which one do you prefer ?????????
We are AJE NLA
The son of OBATALA

Source of Article:

AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733

This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.

You can contact AJE NLA for ...

ODU OBATALA Consultation


OSUN Initiation

Begging of the elders

Feeding of ORISA OSUN, OBATALA, Egbe Orun, TAJENIKARO (AJE that fights for your wealth), AJELETI (AJE from IYAAMI), ONIMERE (for all Emere), AJASORO (Revenge and door opener), AJE OLOKUN, ESU, ELEGBA (Justice and way opener) etc.

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