Relationship between OBATALA and ELEGBA




OBATALA the creator ORISA didn’t get involved in a lot of things except when the issues have gotten out of hand, that is when they (the other ORISA always go to him ).




OBATALA the father of all ORISA don’t have to do anything at all that is why he (OBATALA) created other ORISA to do the task he assigned to them while he (OBATALA) sits on the throne to govern and rules them.




ODU IFA that says ELEGBA is the Father of ESU



We are AJE NLA the son of OBATALA, we are not writing this article to make you feel less of an olorisa or make you feel bad about your ORISA but to enlightened you .




If this article make you feel bad, that is your problem not ours.


There have been so many false narrative about OBATALA and other ORISA especially from those who have money to print books to make money, they never speak the truth and the rest of the world is blindly following their false narrative except AJE NLA the son of OBATALA who would go to his Godfather ORISA OLOKUN for answers and stories of all past events in order to write about them.


People have a doubt if am truly ISESE because they don’t see any long beads on my neck or whatever,they doubt because I call a spade a spade.


We (AJE NLA) are purist with pure spirituality wrapped around Yoruba culture and Traditions, my oath and convenant is to speak the Truth wherever and no matter what people say or what happened.


If you would excuse me, I have a story to tell.


Yesterday I wrote about ranks and hierarchy of powers between all the ORISA , in that article I wrote and classified ORISA according to their power, read that article via .


Like I said, OBATALA don’t have to do anything and that is why he created other ORISA to do the task .


Part of the first class ORISA OBATALA created was ELEGBA the father of ESU.


ELEGBA as a first class ORISA was created to be the killer of other ORISA .


ELEGBA is the bullet that kills other ORISA, he is the weapon of mass destruction created by OBATALA for that purpose only.


ELEGBA can’t destroy OBATALA, I know your thoughts. OBATALA is in everything he created.


OBATALA, the wisest , oldest, father of creation… Eeeeeepaaaaaa ORISA.

OBATALA dey always give me vibes , I swear …


…… Back to the story …..


When OBATALA created other ORISA, some of this ORISA went rogue, they don’t listen and they don’t obey instructions.


Hence ELEGBA was created,giving the task to eliminate them.


That is why ELEGBA is referred to as the killer of other ORISA .


When a lot of the first class ORISA has been wiped off and killed, the few ORISA who follows instructions were then giving the task to join forces and create the next generations of ORISA , this give rises to second class ORISA, third class ORISA , forth class ORISA etc.


The ORISA now understand laws and order, they follow the instructions giving by their father OBATALA.


The service of Elegba was not directed needed, hence they needed a new ORISA who is more soft in heart, less brutal and can’t kill other ORISA.


So they joined forces and created ESU.


ESU was the last born of creation as at that time he was the smallest, smallest in power and ranks as at that time.

ELEGBA was giving the task to mentor ESU, trained him on bringing balanced and harmony to the world of men , making sure that no man uses ORISA against each other in an evil way.


This are what happened before the creation of mankind, the ORISA have lived and lived for years among themselves.

The ORISA have fights themselves in many wars for power and when the war was settled and the battled was over.


That was when the creation of man started …..


ELEGBA is still in existence today, waiting for that very moment when the ORISA would go rogue once again and when OBATALA would give him the permission to eradicate and kill them all, kill all the ORISA .

No ORISA plays with ELEGBA the father of ESU.

ELEGBA is the bullet that kills other ORISA.


ELEGBA doesn’t care how many ORISA would have to die for the world to be balance .

I have seen what Elegba can do, ELEGBA doesn’t care for anything except the truth and justice .

Elegba uphold the law that binds all the ORISA together and if any ORISA trespass, Elegba would kill that ORISA.

I laughed when people say Elegba and ESU are the same thing, fooooools at their own detriment.

Don’t joke with ELEGBA, I always tell people but they are brainwashed into thinking that Elegba is the same thing as ESU.

Just don’t try it, I repeat don’t try that nonsense with AJE NLA because ELEGBA is not anybody’s mate.

We are AJE NLA
The son of OBATALA.

If you live this article, kindly share.

My appreciation to OBATALA, my father
OLOKUN my Godfather
OSUN, my mother
ELEGBA, my brother
SANGO, my uncle
And all the other ORISA .

Source of Article:

AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733

This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.

You can contact AJE NLA for ...

ODU OBATALA Consultation


OSUN Initiation

Begging of the elders

Feeding of ORISA OSUN, OBATALA, Egbe Orun, TAJENIKARO (AJE that fights for your wealth), AJELETI (AJE from IYAAMI), ONIMERE (for all Emere), AJASORO (Revenge and door opener), AJE OLOKUN, ESU, ELEGBA (Justice and way opener) etc.

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