The important people that must be there during your Initiation

The important people that must be there during your Initiation

If I may asked, who are the most important people in your life ?

Some people would think it is their husband, while some would think it is their wife, others would think it is their friends or may be their parents.

If your answer is any of the above, then your answer is wrong .

The most important people in your life are your egbe orun and you must invite them into everything you do.

If you want to do ORISA Initiation, the most important people to invite are your egbe orun.

If you don’t invite your egbe orun to your Initiation they won’t come, if you have not been doing your task in egbe orun they would not come to your Initiation .

If you have been starving your egbe orun, they may not come .

Remember, your egbe orun are the most important people in your life whether you like it or not .

We are AJE NLA
The son of OBATALA

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