Why do we always sprinkle water on sacrificial items before using ?

Why do we always sprinkle water on sacrificial items before using ?

You may be wondering why we sprinkle some sacrificial items with water before making sacrifices .

The reason is that

Let us take for instance we want to make sacrifice for someone and those in charge of the person’s problem doesn’t want the person to have solution.

Their presence, the presence of those who are offended might alter the energy around the sacrifice making the sacrifice unworthy of acceptance of the ORISA or making it void .

Sprinkling water on sacrifice would neutralize all energy on that sacrifice.

It would make the sacrifice to be in a neutral position, free of external energy or forces that may want to make it invalid.

Sprinkling water remove all bad energies,it remove the effects of bad energies on the sacrifices.

So the sacrifice is accepted by the ORISA .

That is why it is always good to spiritually sterilize all sacrificial items before using them as sacrifices.

Some times the hand that sold those items to you in the market is not pure and might alter the energy around that materials.

I have said before now that water is a portal ,Incase you missed the video watched it via

Video: Water is a portal through which everyone is born



The son of OBATALA

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