Dialogue with IYAAMI and IYAMOPO

Not every Babalawo has the courage and authority to dialogue with IYAAMI OSORONGA.

The fear of IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA is the beginning of wisdom.

Most Babalawo would make sacrifice and ran away without looking back .

Why ?

Because they don’t have the courage and authority with the licensed to dialogue with IYAAMI and IYAMOPO.

The begging of the elders is often done on Wednesday simply because IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA holds their meetings on Wednesday and other days.

While you make sacrifice, if your sacrifice is accepted it would be used as entertainment as we attend meetings on Wednesday.

People would always make sacrifice to IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA and the accepted sacrifices would be used to entertain ourselves during meetings.

Anytime the begging of the elders is done , IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA always Initiate a dialogue with the babalawo.

And then the discussion would start where the babalawo and IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA would be discussing whether they would accept the sacrifice or not.

This discussion can take up to 30 minutes or more .

You need your inner ears to hear what IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA are saying ,you need to reply them .

For everytime a begging of the elders is done, you need to pay attention to what IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA are saying and as the babalawo, you are the lawyer of your client to defend your client while making a dialogue with IYAAMI and IYAMOPO.

You need to make sure you convinced them while you obey their instructions giving to you for your client.

Not many people can do this.

IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA don’t speak to all babalawo because not every Babalawo is a member of IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA.

Not many babalawo can hear what IYAAMI ELEYE OSORONGA are saying and not every have the courage to Initiate a discussion with them.

Hence there is a mass failure of the begging of the elders.

We are AJE NLA the son of OBATALA.

Source of Article: https://www.orisa.com.ng

AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733

This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.

You can contact AJE NLA for ...

ODU OBATALA Consultation


OSUN Initiation

Begging of the elders

Feeding of ORISA OSUN, OBATALA, Egbe Orun, TAJENIKARO (AJE that fights for your wealth), AJELETI (AJE from IYAAMI), ONIMERE (for all Emere), AJASORO (Revenge and door opener), AJE OLOKUN, ESU, ELEGBA (Justice and way opener) etc.

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