Definition of Power

Am AJE NLA the son of OBATALA and I have come once again with a teaser because I don’t want to be talking much neither would I answer any questions from anyone .

I don’t want to be seen as a rude person because of my disciplined way of life.

I thought I would be resting after SANGO OLUKOSO OKO OYA festival but I am not , there is no free seconds for me.

My client base as double that I have to switched off my phone because I needed some minutes to rest.

Power is a spirit and they are in trillions and as a matter of fact one man can have a million spirits at his back following him up and down.

You need to have more than two eyes to see and know some things , even if you have more eyes you would still need license to operate in the spirit .

To say a man is powerful, it means that man has a bunch of spirits that answered to him anytime anywhere.

If I say run mad, some bunch of spirits which could be up to thousands would attack a man, remove his spirit and hide it inside a tree or put the spirit in a cage that would be kept somewhere.

That man that was attacked would start misbehaving and would not have an idea what has happened to him.

It would take another person with power to free that mad man.

I have seen power in it’s spirit form, I have visit where power is being created and with what it was created.

I have come to a conclusion that power would either corrupt you or imprisoned you .

This paragraph where I said power would either corrupt you or imprisoned you goes beyond that ordinary lines..

It is either you control the power or the power controls you.

Most powers are tied to your soul till you die, they enjoy the good and bad times of your life with you because they are tied to your soup and they would be with you till you die.

Having this in Mind , power would not want to be trapped with an undisciplined or useless man , so they are always on the look for a better person to signed a better contract because everything in life is a contract.

If you don’t follow their contract, they would began to control you and make sure that you die quickly so that they would have their freedom and get another Master, so to say.

Sometimes I often want to test myself by telling some noise makers to look for my troubles, may be they could have a taste of what it is.

Noise makers would wear a cloth of power ,a cloth designed with a lot of cowries, etc.

Did I mentioned that spirits of powers are in categories and ranks?

Oh, that means i would continue this article someday.

We are AJE NLA the son of OBATALA.

Source of Article:

AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733

This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.

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