Every Body love ESU – ESU is not a trademark of IFA
Am a very dangerous man I must confess to you today . Dangerous as in not doing evil but if you cross your limit with me or you send some forces you shouldn’t sent to me, I would give you what would end your suffering. That is how dangerous I am .
I remember few years ago when life is still in it’s dark phase in my life, I have done my osun Initiation, I have done AJE OLOKUN Initiation, I have done OBATALA Initiation. I did all this Initiation in a space of two a month, may be am too eager for a change or too much in a hurry .
All the blessings of the ORISA are all hanging in the spiritual realm and they have refused to materialize physically in my life . I went to the temple of the ORISA while they were having their meetings and I began to cry, I was wallowing in my own tears, sorrounded by my own tears and there is nothing I can do.
Suddenly, I felt a touched at my shoulder. A very dark old man shining like a black diamond, he said to me, wipe your tears boy. Hop on my back and show me the way .
This black old man said to me, I have the bullet that can kill any ORISA, my heart gladdens with Joy my mouth can’t speak off.
I AJE NLA the son of OBATALA asked this old man, what’s your name and he smiled. He said I am ELEGBA. The bullet that killed the gods.
ELEGBA followed me anywhere and he killed as many as those who stop my spiritual blessings from materializing.
After the war, I went to OBATALA and prostate before the creator ORISA and I say, thank you for sending ELEGBA to me.
ORISA OBATALA just smiled and said, AJE NLA you are my son, let me know if you need anything else.
When I woke up, I said to myself I would do a shrine for this ORISA . I followed the instructions giving to me via my dream and I installed ELEGBA.
After installing ELEGBA, I make it a duty to do ELEGBA festival which I did and after the festival, ELEGBA called me and say, AJE NLA the son of OBATALA this is my son ESU. He(ESU) would always run your errands for you .
I have a mighty stone already in front of my house as at that time, I decorated it and do the rituals and said to ESU, ESU this is your duty post and office .
That is short story of how I became a speaker and a physical representation of ELEGBA. One of the ancient ORISA that people have misplaced his identity to that of ESU his son.
ESU and I have been a good pal ever since then and I have written few articles to honour ESU.
Many babalawo said to themselves, you cannot see spirits , you can’t see ESU or any other IRUNMOLE.. their ignorant make me laugh.
You can’t be dealing with spirits and not have an encounter with them , you can’t be dealing with IRUNMOLE and you won’t have an encounter with them.
If anyone ask me, how does ESU look like. I would gladly write a four pages of description because I have seen the IRUNMOLE called ESU times without number.
At it’s stand right now, believe me or not. It’s your problem.
ESU is meant for everyone. If you are an ORISA priest or priestess, try and get your own ESU or make sure you do ESU Initiation.
As OSUN priestess/priest , you need ESU .
As SANGO priest/priestess, you need ESU .
As OYA priest/priestess, you need ESU.
Whatever ORISA you have or have done the Initiation and you are the priest or priestess of that ORISA, you need ESU.
ESU is the messenger of the gods, it belongs to all IRUNMOLE and not a trademark of IFA .
ESU is not a trademark of IFA neither does it belong to IFA .
ESU is for all the ORISA and IRUNMOLE to served as you know ESU is the messenger of the gods .
The gods is not excluded to only IFA or orunmila, the gods comprises of OBATALA, SANGO, OYA, OLOKUN, AJE OLOKUN and many others ORISA created by the Creator ORISA OBATALA.
So if you have any ORISA with you, it would he wiser that you should have ESU too.
When you have ESU as OSUN priestess, going to the river or T junction would be reduced as ESU would carry all the Sacrifices to where it should go or be.
ESU is for everybody.
Am AJE NLA the son of OBATALA, my encounter with each IRUNMOLE are my life journey. It’s not a one time thing, it is continuing.
Don’t go near my clients, don’t come near me.
If any of those reports you to me, that is when you would understand something you failed to learn in school.
How is the weather in your area?
Source of Article: https://www.orisa.com.ng
AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.
You can contact AJE NLA for ...
ODU OBATALA Consultation
OSUN Initiation
Begging of the elders
Feeding of ORISA OSUN, OBATALA, Egbe Orun, TAJENIKARO (AJE that fights for your wealth), AJELETI (AJE from IYAAMI), ONIMERE (for all Emere), AJASORO (Revenge and door opener), AJE OLOKUN, ESU, ELEGBA (Justice and way opener) etc.
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