How does it feel to be a mermaid – Living inside the ocean

People have always have this interest wanting to know what happened in other realms of life .

I wished the famous people in terms of spirituality can talk about it but I doubt if they ever enter the ocean in the spirits talkless of spending some weeks living in there.

This article is a continue of an article I made about a city inside the ocean.

I was accompany by OSUN, as we put our foot on the water we found ourselves at the entrance of the city.

I was welcome by both OLOKUN and YEMOJA, they were waiting for my arrival .

I was taking to decorations rooms which was made of only sounds or should I say Music.

I don’t know if it were voices but all I know is everything was singing.

My body started trembling, vibrating as if something was moving all around me.

Believe me, if your body comes in contact with a high vibrational sounds which has a touch of spirituality in it, your body would shake and tremors.

Ordinary much when it enters your body you would shake and dance without control .

All the vessels and cells of my body were all alive and they were responding to the music coming from all over the place.

I couldn’t hold myself again , I exploded. Some parts of me were burnt off and it’s as if I was reborn , I was transformed into a male mermaid.

After I was turned into a mermaid, my eyes see things and my hears ear things in a more different way or form , so to Say.

The water you see, the ocean you see were not what it seems . It was spirits joined and interlinked with one another singing.

I was at the depth of the ocean transformed into a mermaid , hearing nothing else but music .

It was a very soft and quiet music that filled the atmosphere and everything.

Something was at the centre of the city, it draw me closer .

I wanted to explore my new city, my new Life , make new friends and family.

I heard a louder and stronger song , I already knows what it means . It was a called for meetings and gathering .

I followed my instincts and went to where it leads me.

I got to a place where all other mermaids were gathered . At the centre of this place, there was something like white florescent lights running parallel from the top to the bottom without blockage .

They called it the life force of the ocean. It give the ocean it’s Life and everything inside the oceans are alive because of this force.

OLOKUN said, we want to introduce to you a new member of this city.

His name is AJE NLA the son of OBATALA.

The music was to loud and in one accord as everyone were welcoming me with songs , making the ocean to roar . The water splashes more and the wave become stronger.

OLOKUN, YEMOJA and OSUN said with one voice, welcome to the city of the mermaids.

I woke up from my sleep and by stomach is still dancing , I have never felt anything like this in my entre life and reincarnation.

I woke up and I become a weirdo, the sky above me is singing, it’s like the world itself is entirely a music concert.

To be continued……………..

Source of Article:

AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733

This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.

You can contact AJE NLA for ...

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OSUN Initiation

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