Life of a mermaid episode 4
In anything you do, don’t mess your own spirituality.
Those who are not experiencing the wonders of nature thought my articles were all AI generated.
I laughed in Capital letter A. AAAAAAA
A man with eyes is a threat to the community of the blinds.
In my years of experience, I have come to a conclusion that babalawo and all practicing ISESE don’t really know what it’s all about .
They just loved the IRUNMOLE to stay in the book and many of them can’t even read books that would nourished their minds except to steal people’s wives.
They have been waging war at me but my shield is far too strong for them to break.
Am not an OLUWO for nothing, though I might not have my fraternity yet but me and my OSO friends are working on that in no time.
Mermaids have the largest population on earth arguably because water is the largest element ever created by OBATALA.
For each water bodies that existed, be it a lake or stream or ponds or river to a sea or ocean. They all have their own little mermaid that govern them.
The city of the mermaids was closed down for mortal men thousands of years ago because of what happened, this would be a story for another day.
Power doesn’t always make the right choices because power always choose people who don’t have interest in having power and don’t want it. This is why your OLUWO and Babalawo don’t have this experience of the mermaids realms.
The power to visit those realms were not giving to them and their spiritual eyes were pluck out for good.
We are really living in a blind world, a dark realm at a darker time in history of creation and everyone is blind.
Mermaids are too sexy for a mortal man and if you mistakenly enter their realms, you would sing till you die. You would die in Joy and happiness because of the music all around their realms coming from the water .
When you see a mermaid, you would experience an infinite ecstasy, a fantasy come true and your brain might have an over powered or short circuit because it would not be able to comprehend what it is seeing.
Am a baby mermaids, this are just few things have been learning every night when they called me home.
When it is time to go home, I heard sound of rushing waters. Anytime I heard this sound, I would know it is time to come home and have another great lesson.
Being a mermaid is not easy as I have to lived a thousand years before coming back .
When I die, am going home to spend a thousand years to learn their ways and their cultures before being reincarnated back into this dry land of the living.
I still have 80+ years to live as man so am not dieing anytime sooner neither am I going home unless when I have a nap or sleep for few hours like every man do .
Mermaids are carried away, they think this land of the living is sweet but I said to myself each time I go home in my sleep, I wished I could stay but they told me that my time is still far away and I have many people to teach , many things to tell the world via my articles and book publications.
80 years is not far away, if I can add that to my present year I think it’s enough to tell the truth about the universe.
I was giving women who would attend to my needs , different species of women from different district inside the ocean.
To be continued…………….
We are AJE NLA the son of OBATALA
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AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.
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