What is Orunmila’s number in the Cosmo? – The origin and development of IFA divination
I don’t know what you have been told about IFA and it’s binary .
Babalawo would boost with their life that orunmila develop IFA but we know orunmila didn’t .
What is orunmila’s number in the Cosmo?
Every ORISA has a certain number that resonate with them wether you agree or not.
I know the number of all of the ORISA and IRUNMOLE but am forbidden to talk about it.
Other IRUNMOLE were not my concern at the moment but OBATALA is my concern .
OBATALA is holding an infinite position and power and therefore his (OBATALA) Number is 8.
In one of my video where I said how OBATALA festival was done in the olden days, I said and list out items all in the sequence and arrangement of 8.
Check out the video via https://www.orisa.com.ng/2024/08/video-how-obatala-festival-is-done-in-the-olden-days-aje-nla-speaks.html
Video – How OBATALA festival is done in the olden days , AJE NLA speaks
This video was recorded in August 2024.
1^2 = 2
2^ 3 = 8
2 ^ 4 = 16
16 ^ 2 = 256
If you look at this numbers, everything is tied around 8 simply because 8 represent OBATALA.
No IFA priest have been able to give a definite answer to how the numbers work , worse worse they would say it’s the work of OLODUMARE.
That is because they don’t know anything.
If we look at the opele
If you add the number on the left side of the Opele together ,it would surely give you 8 which is OBATALA number .
If you add the number on the right hand side of the Opele Together it would give you eight which is also for OBATALA.
Each Mark on either left or right side of the Opele can be turn off and on.
When it is on,it present 2 and when it’s off it represents 1.
That where you have oyeku Meji that is a replica of what is drawn above.
When it’s just off in all it should give you Eji Ogbe.
For shallow minds they said it’s binary .1 and O
Still meaning on and Off.
Tell me again , do you still think Orunmila develop IFA ?
IFA verses that said OBATALA created ODU
ODU IFA verse that says OBATALA created ODU
I know many would still be doing strong head .
I think IFA priest have a lot to handle now,you guys should either accept your IFA tuntun or reject it.
While your professor was doing wonders, you guys were praising him and he has Infiltrated and uses foreign currency to buy the sense of common people.
IFA and it’s people just love people from white country , shuuu
Either way , OBATALA loves you all.
May be I would keep this page and explain more in my coming book, the codex of OBATALA.
Opele is tied around the numbers of OBATALA yet babalawo are blind to see or admit what their eyes are seeing .
We are AJE NLA the son of OBATALA.
Source of Article: https://www.orisa.com.ng
AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
This Article was written by AJE NLA the son of OBATALA with +2347031178647.
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