Omo Omi vs Egbe ANIWURA – who is more wealthy ????
Omo Omi vs Egbe ANIWURA – who is more wealthy ???? Most People are in search of what is not lost. They all want money, fame and power. Omo Omi…
Omo Omi vs Egbe ANIWURA – who is more wealthy ???? Most People are in search of what is not lost. They all want money, fame and power. Omo Omi…
What currency did they spend in egbe ANIWURA? Egbe Orun ANIWURA is not like any other egbe orun. If you have missed my previous post about egbe orun ANIWURA, please…
Pet animals for egbe orun ANIWURA Each egbe orun has their own pet animals and few people don’t know this . People in egbe orun Eleriko has snake as their…
Egbe Orun ANIWURA – Who are they? I never knew there is any egbe orun that is called egbe orun ANIWURA. I wanted to do egbe orun initiation,eru egbe didi…
If you want to stay with egbe .. Then stay with egbe. If you have the resources to go with other ORISA (do other ORISA Initiation) Good for you. It…
Reason why there is failed egbe orun initiation (eru egbe didi) Most Babalawo and iyanifa believe that egbe orun initiation should take a particular turn out, some even have a…
What you must not do to your spiritual Husband If you are still doubting whether there is spiritual husband or not, may be you should read this article via…
Is there anything like spiritual Husband (OKO Orun) ? I have made a lot of post on egbe orun and it’s accessories like oko orun also known as spiritual husband.…
Eleriko vs alaragbo Everyone is now coming out to be the son of whoever,but we know that there is only one son of OBATALA and that son is AJE NLA.…
Wahala for who doesn’t know their Egbe Orun and it’s Power So many lost souls out there, so many people have been talking about their egbe orun but many didn’t…