Yoruba Oriki names and top facts you should know about them
Yoruba Oriki names and top facts you should know about them Yoruba Oriki names are names Yoruba people give to their children for symbolic reasons. It is a popular thing…
Yoruba Oriki names and top facts you should know about them Yoruba Oriki names are names Yoruba people give to their children for symbolic reasons. It is a popular thing…
AWON Abiku Nile Yoruba, Oruko won ATI itumo Abiku : “Bo ku o te” meaning “If you die you disgrace yourself”, revealing that this woman had had “abiku” (short- lived)…
Oruko Oriki Nile Yoruba (Yoruba Praise name and their meanings) Akanbi = A male child born after many female children (the parent are looking for female) Alabi. = A male…
Twins family, their name and meaning in Yoruba Baba ibeji……… Twins father Iya ibeji………….Twins mother Iya ibeta……….Triple’s mother Baba Ibeta……..Triple’s father Ibeta…………….Triplet Omo meji /ibeji /ejire (eji ore) Kedunwa =…
Oruko Amutorun wa ( Named you bring from heaven and their meanings) Ajayi. = Child faced down immediately after the birth Ojo = A baby boy born with umbilical cord…
Traditional Yoruba names relating to IFA and ORISA and their meanings Ogundele= Ogun (the Orisa) has reached (his) home. Ogundare(Ogun da are) = Ogun has found in my favor, acquitted…
Names In Yoruba Land Yoruba names are much more than mere identification tags, much more than mere “luggage labels”; each has a reason (a) for being just what it is;…
Chieftaincy name in Yoruba land and their meanings Adenekan = Ade ni eniti o nkan = Crown (or honor) comes only to the chosen. Adedoyin= Ade di oyin = (My)…
Yoruba names that has to do with your star and where you are born Another names are those or the types the star with ‘a bi’ meaning ‘born to’ Abiola…