Difference between ifa ori BIBO and celestial church ori BIBO and Alfa Ori Bibo
There is a big difference between the two.
Everyone believes that when it comes to some issue that is somehow relating to trandition that the white garnet church or the Muslim cleric can do it.
They claim to know how to do it, if any of these religion that is not isese do Ori Bibo for you, they just do abracadabra for you because it is not their calling, neither is Ori Bibo spoken about in the Bible or Quran.
If Ori Bibo is not quoted in the Quran or Bible them why are the Muslims doing it? Why are Celestial doing it.?
The truth is we all claim our traditional religion or isese is evil and we try to use some of their terms that will benefit us or our religious business all because we don’t want to loose our clients or church/mosque members.
If you really want to do Ori Bibo, the right place to go is the Babalawo and Iyanifa
Thank you.
Source of Article: https://www.orisa.com.ng
AJE NLA the son of OBATALA is registered with CAC No: 8022733
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