Showing posts with label Orisa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Orisa. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

ORISA ORIMADE pre - introduction

ORISA ORIMADE pre - introduction

While I was celebrating my Father OBATALA...

I met an ORISA in the spirit realm 


I bet you haven't heard about it before just like I was talking about ORISA ONIMERE.

I would be releasing many articles and revealing many ORISA that are not known to many but they exist and her very powerful and potent .......


Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Ewe and Presiding Orisha

The Ewe and Presiding Orisha

The Ewe and Presiding Orisha


Ewe (HERBS) for Medicinal Usage

Skullcap, Sage, Kola Nut, Basil, Hyssop, Blue Vervain, White Willow, Valerian

All Herbs

Yellow Dock, Burdock, Cinnamon, Damiana, Anis, Raspberry, Yarrow, Chamomile, Lotus, Uva-Ursi, Buchu, Myrrh, Echinacea

Kelp, Squawvine, Cohosh, Dandelion, Yarrow, Aloe, Spirulina, Mints, Passion Plower, Wild Yam Root

Eucalyptus, Alfalfa, Hawthorn, Bloodroot, Parsley, Motherwort, Garlic

Mullein, Comfrey, Cherrybark, Pleurisy Root, Elecampane, Horehound, Chickweed

Plantain, Saw Palmetto, Hibiscus, Fo-ti, Sarsaparilla, Nettles, Cayenne

The following is a recommended way to prepare these herbs: The herbs can be used along or in combination with other herbs.

 Add the herbs to a pot of mildly boiling water (to prepare a decoction). Let the herbs steep for about thirty minutes before straining. 

The remaining herbal solution is then prepared as a tea. In some instances the herbal solutions are used in diluted form for enemas.

 Enemas are among one of the most effective treatments in cleaning out the colon which is the seat of many diseases. 

In Osain, sugar should never be added to herbal solutions. Honey may be used, however, along with some lemon.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

What does feeding of ORISA mean?

What does feeding of ORISA mean?

What does feeding of ORISA mean?

When you do Consultation and IFA says you have to feed ORISA.

The ORISA who will solve your problem will be reveal 

And we have to give that ORISA what they love to eat ..

We feed the ORISA in your name .

And the ORISA would rise, add you to their children and then take up your problem as their problem .

Go into the spirit realm and fight your battles , and all sort they can do to make life easy for you

Saturday, January 6, 2024

The role of the ORISA in our life

The role of the ORISA in our life

The role of the ORISA in our life

The role of the gods is to aid Ori in leading every person to his destiny in life. 

Whatever a man's Ori has refused to approve cannot be granted by any other god.

The gods themselves have their own Ori directing their daily life. 

Like human beings, the gods know the wishes of their Ori by consulting lfa.

 Orunmila himself consulted his lfa
divination instruments in order to find out the wishes of his Ori.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Ancient ways of taking care of your shrine and ORISA

Ancient ways of taking care of your shrine and ORISA

Ancient ways of taking care of your shrine and ORISA 

The world is backwards now and everything seems good when it's not actually ok.

This article was to correct some misconduct on the way we do our shrine and feed the orisa so that we can do the right thing and get the right result.

Anywhere you placed your ORISA has automatically turned to a temple, not just the place but the whole environment including you.

You must always make sure that the place you placed your ORISA is clean at all time .

You must make sure that you light a candle and incense in the place you put your ORISA at least once in a day .

You must make sure you don't use your ORISA for evil act

You must make sure you fast on each day that you want to feed your ORISA.

This little act of taking care of the ORISA and your temple is an ancient one, and I believe you would put it into doings.

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

ORISA Bayanni

ORISA Bayanni

In Yoruba spirituality, Orisha Bayanni, also known as Dada Awuru, is a deity who is highly respected and revered by the Yoruba people. 

He is known as the elder brother who stands up for his younger siblings, symbolizing the importance of family and community.

He is believed to be the protector of the vulnerable, especially children, and is often invoked to bring justice and fairness in disputes. He is also associated with wisdom, peace, and the ability to bring people together.

His presence is said to bring stability and harmony in communities, and his followers seek to emulate his values of kindness, fairness, and justice.

Friday, December 15, 2023

EEWO ORISA (ORISA taboos and what you don't know)

EEWO ORISA (ORISA taboos and what you don't know)

EEWO ORISA (ORISA taboos and what you don't know)


Eewo is never what one can break in secrecy with the thought that one has done it with impunity. 

If nobody sees a person while committing the offence, conscience is the first law enforcement agent that will arrest the person through constant pricking. 

And if the person has no living conscience, later or sooner, the punishment will come which may not be from the hand of any mortal as seen in Ifa verse thus:

Aise-e ni n bini
Eewo lo n gbija ara re

It is abomination itself that punishes one
Revenge comes from Eewo itself.

The punishment for breaking taboo may either be terrestrial or celestial or even both.

 According to Susanne Wenger (Adunni Olorisa), “Within the framework of Yoruba culture and tradition, taboo (eewo) is a tremendously strong force against which you do not transgress as long as you are part of the culture”. 

As noticed by Kwabena Amponsah, 1974, when there is infringement of a taboo by a person, “the punishment falls on the individual or a community of which he is a member”. 

This means that the whole community can suffer “for the crime of an individual”.

Therefore, each and everybody must know what his/her Orisa taboos are and observe it. 

Some Orisa eewos...

Palm wine (emu).Dog (aja).Palm oil (epo pupa).Salt (iyo)

. Cricket (ire). Snake (ejo)

 Guinea corn (oka baba). Solanum nigrum (efo odu) . Solanum macrocarpum(efo osun) 

 Red monkey (ijimere). Making of fire in the grove.  Weeding with hoe in the grove.


 Roe-buck (eran esuro) . Yam beans (ewa sese) .Tabba mimu....

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How do I find my orisha?

How do I find my orisha?

How do I find my orisha?

You will find and get to know your ORISA after your IFA initiation.

The ORISA of your head would be revealed only after your initiation.

Initiation into IFA involve a huge some of money and that is why many people are doing isefa instead of itefa .

Sm aje nla ..