Showing posts with label health. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Organic cure for swollen leg

Organic cure for swollen leg

Organic cure for swollen leg


If you have a swollen leg 

Get this materials / follow the guidelines below

cinnamon cassia powder

mix it with wild honey,

 take one table spoon in the morning,

 one in the afternoon, and evening, 

alternatively you can also cut a lemon orange into two,

 use it to be rubbing the Swollen leg. 

do it every day till you see improvement.
Organic cure for mouth Odour

Organic cure for mouth Odour

Organic cure for mouth Odour 


If you have a mouth Odour, this is what you would do.

 get cinnamon cassia powder, 

mix it will lime orange. 

Add warm water. 

Use this herbal liquid to wash or rinse your mouth. 

Do this Every day till you get results
Organic treatment for sickles cell and related problem

Organic treatment for sickles cell and related problem

Organic treatment for sickles cell and related problem 


If you want to use cinnamon for someone with a very bad blood or someone that faints a lot due to one or two reasons which medical terms can't figure it out. 

You would do the followings

You would need 

one full table spoon of Cinnamon extract powder

A sweet orange which you would squeeze out the juice

A lime orange which you would squeeze the juice, 

add yolks of four local fowl eggs, 

mix it together with wild honey.

 It should be taken two times per day at the rate of one table spoon. 

Morning and Night. 

And these should be repeated 4days per week.
Organic way to cure open wounds the refused to heal

Organic way to cure open wounds the refused to heal

Organic way to cure open wounds - cinnamon CURE FOR OLD WOUND (EGBO AMUKEGBE TABI EGBO ADAAJINA)

This is for those who has an open wounds, who has been taken to different places for cure and yet there seems to be no changes in those treatment .

This is what you have to do organically 


Get the following items or procedure

Get a half of a tin of a dry dead bee,

 grind those bees to powder, 

get Five table spoon of a cinnamon straight powder, 

mix it with small amount of propolis and half tin of a wild honey, 

alway use these mixture to dress the wound,.

You would see some changes .
Organic cure for sexually transmitted disease -

Organic cure for sexually transmitted disease -

Organic cure for sexually transmitted disease - Cinnamon CURE FOR SEXUAL TRANSMMITED DISEASES (ARUN IBALOPO)

If you have an infectious disease as a result of intercourse, you can use cinnamon for the cure using the following ways 

 get a cinnamon cassia extract, 

aslo get suzu garlic, 

You would need a dry bitter leave

 mix these three ingredients together, 

mix it with wide honey,

 leave it for a day.

 Take it one spoon in the morning, 

one spoon in the afternoon, 

one spoon in the evening,

You should feel changes after some days .

But if you don't see any changes please visit your doctor 
Organic cure for miscarriage

Organic cure for miscarriage

Organic cure for miscarriage - CINNAMON AS A CURE FOR MIS-CARRIAGE (OYUN BIBAJE) : 

If you are known to have a baby miscarriage every now and there and you have used a lot of things, this is organic way to stop miscarriage in women .

You would need to do and practice the following

You would be eating cinnamon with fresh wild honey combs once a day

It has ability to cure miscarriage.
Organic cure for bladder infection

Organic cure for bladder infection

Organic cure for bladder infection - Cinnamon as CURE FOR BLADDER INFECTION (ARUN APO ITO) :

This are the recipe to use if you want to use cinnamon for bladder infection.

For treating of bladder infection, you would need 

 two tables spoon of Cinnamon powder

 one tea soon of wild honey 

A glass cup of warm water 

Add the above mixture together and drink at once.

It has ability to kill and destroy any germs in th the bladder.
Organic cure for toothache

Organic cure for toothache

Organic cure for toothache - cinnamon CURE FOR TOOTH ACHE (EYIN DUNDUN) : 

If you are having toothache ,you would need this organic method to cure that ache.

You must follow the following method to be cure 

You would need 

one full tea spoon of Cinnamon powder

 five tea spoon of wild honey, 

mix it together and make it into paste,.

Alway apply these to the aching tooth. 

It can be apply as many time as possible till the tooth stop aching. 

It works very well.
Organic cure for arthritis

Organic cure for arthritis

Organic cure for arthritis - cinnamon CURE FOR ARTHRITIS (ARUN AROMOLEGUN) :

If you are having arthritis or you knew someone with this disease,well we are here to tell you the organic cure for the disease.

Do the following procedure and steps 


one cup of hot water 

one small tea of Cinnamon powder, 

two spoon of honey

Mix them together .

taking this two times per day 

morning and night to reduce pain.

 You can also make paste with cinnamon powder and warm water and a will honey. 

Make it to paste and use on the itching or aching part of the body.

 Your pain will be reduced in a few minutes..

Don't forget to use ewe ato also for stronger bone or any issue with bone or wounds.

Ewe ato can be applied outside or directly on the body part that needed healing .

Organic anti ageing

Organic anti ageing

Organic anti ageing - cinnamon for LOOKING YOUNGER THAN YOUR AGE 

If you want to have a long life or you want to be looking younger than your age, this is what you must be doing or you must use.

Get the following items and materials and follow the guidelines

get one full spoon of Cinnamon powder, 

four spoon of will honey, 

3 full cup of water. 

Boil it together.

 Drink half of the cup three times a day.

 This will make you look very much younger than your real age to any body.

 It will also increase your life span. 

And make you do things that teenagers are doing you will even look like them.
Organic cure for ulcer and stomach upset

Organic cure for ulcer and stomach upset

Organic cure for ulcer and stomach upset - cinnamon CURE for STOMACH ULCER OR STOMACH UP SET (OGBE INU / INU DIDARU GUDU GUDU) :

This is a simple organic cure for those who have that disease .

Follow the steps below

Get a pure honey

Get cinnamon powder

Take the cinnamonthe powder with honey 

Use it three times daily .

it work well for this purpose.
Organic cure for fatigue and tiredness

Organic cure for fatigue and tiredness

Organic cure for fatigue and tiredness - cinnamon CURE for FATIGUE (IREWESI) :

Do you always experience fatigue and tiredness?

If you have, this post is for you.

Follow this guidelines 

 sprinkle cinnamon powder in a cup of glass water,

 Take it early in the morning after you have brush your teeth. 

You can also take it in the evening if you feel fatigue. 

 Taking cinnamon in this way will give you vitality.
Organic cure for eye problem

Organic cure for eye problem

Organic cure for eye problem 


This step will help you with your eye problem .

You would need to follow materials or ingredients

 one table spoon of Cinnamon cassia powder, 

a bottle of olive oil, 

wild honey of equal volume as that of olive oil.

 Five table spoon of garlic powder. 

 Mix all of it together. 

Take one table spoon two times a day morning and evening.

 This will improve your sight.

Organic cure for indigestion of food

Organic cure for indigestion of food

Organic cure for indigestion of food 


If you are having difficulty in digesting food and you don't eakt to visit the doctor, you can try this organic means .

This is all you have to do.

sprinkle cinnamon powder on two tables spoon of wild honey and take it before eating food to facilitate quick digestion of the food.

Organic cure for all skin infection

Organic cure for all skin infection

Organic cure for all skin infection


This works for any type of skin disease ranging from 



ring worm and all other types of skin disorders.

They can be treat with cinnamon cassia powder and wild honey mix into paste in equal proportion .

You would be applying the paste to the affected part.