Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex. Show all posts

Thursday, January 25, 2024

Is it wrong for Christian to marry Onisese (Traditional worshipper)

Is it wrong for Christian to marry Onisese (Traditional worshipper)

Is it wrong for Christian to marry Onisese (Traditional worshipper)

There is nothing wrong or bad about it.

It is wrong if you feel bad that people are thinking bad about your decision.

I wonder why you would let people be the one to decide what to do.

Onisese are not evil people.

There is nothing wrong in marrying a christians are onisese and there is nothing wrong in a Christian marry Onisese.

This is the matter of love , love is a universal language that is higher above human religious Beliefs and dogma.

Your Pastor wouldn't allow it because he would loose his tithe and offering and would not have dominion over your life .

They paint onisese as bad people the way they painted our brother ESU as Satan .

On a final note, there is nothing wrong in marrying who you want to marry, the choice is your and you shouldn't let anyone influence or decide that for you.
Relationship consultation with IFA via AJE NLA

Relationship consultation with IFA via AJE NLA

Relationship consultation with IFA

I know many ladies who wished they have someone very private that can answer their relationship questions.

They don't want to make the wrong decision in Life.

Am AJE NLA, I can do some consultation for you on your relationship, asking some vital question like 

Are we compatible?

If I marry him would I suffer?

Does he genuinely love me?

If you fall in those and wished for a divine answer,I would be more than happy to help.

Am AJE NLA +2347031178647

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Causes of Many Broken Homes

Causes of Many Broken Homes

Causes of Many Broken Homes

So many people especially ladies still thinks that their pastor has more authority over them than their husband .

Who paid the dowry between the Pastor and Husband?

Who did you knew first between the Pastor and your husband ?

So because that man is a pastor , you forget he is human being like you. I am not shock that many house wives are sleeping with their Pastor. Is it for anointing or for what exactly.?

So you went to your Pastor and download all that happened in your house to him.

What does Yoruba Tradition tell you? 

Yoruba believe and teaches that whatever happened in the family must remain in the family, no outsider must known about the good and bad of the family, not even close friends .

Why must you invite or tell an outsider about your Marriage? No marriage is perfect, even your pastor is also having issues with his wife at home .

In problem and hardship in marriage, the only person to talk to is ORISA OSUN 
Relationship and it's Spirituality

Relationship and it's Spirituality

"There is a spiritual dimension to every relationship, no matter what its origins, whether it is acknowledged as spiritual or not. 

Two people come together because spirit wants them together. 

What is important now is to look at the relationship as spirit-driven, instead of driven by the individual.

The role of spirit in our relationships is to be the driver, to monitor our relationships for the good.

 Its purpose is to help us to be better people, to bind us in such a way that we maintain our connection, not only with ourselves, but also with the great beyond. 

Spirit helps us fulfill our own life purpose and maintain our sanity."

— The Spirit of Intimacy: Ancient Teachings in the Ways of Relationships
No perfect Relationship

No perfect Relationship

Many Out There Are Still Looking For A Flawless Man Or Woman They Can Build A Future With Which Is The Reason Why They've Not Been Able To Build A Good Relationship. 

And Those Who Are Looking For Flawless Aren't Flawless, 

They Are Just Looking For A Man Or Woman They Can Control.