Tuesday, September 26, 2023

EGBE OMO OMI prayers

OMI TUTU (May the water be cool and refreshed
ONA TUTU (may the road be cool and refreshed)
ILE TUTU (May the house; the home be cool be cool and refreshed)

TUTU LAROYE (May a calm messenger proceed all our prayers)
OLODUMARE AJUBA IKU MBELESE (God I (WE) give homage, I (WE) salute the ancestors that sit at your feet)

MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)
OLODUMARE, IBAYE BAYE TONU (We give praise to the Owner of existence) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE OLOJO ONI (I call upon and give praise to the owner of this day) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE ORUNMILA ELERIN IPIN IBIKEJI OLODUMARE (I call upon and give praise to Orunmila, the witness to all choice of destiny, second only to Olodumare, and Owner of 256 Odus) MOPEO (I call you) Ase (So be it)

IBASE OSETURA OSETURA OSETURA (I call upon and give praise to the messenger of all our prayers) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE ESU (I call upon and give praise to Baba Esu, the road opener) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)
IBASE OGUN (I call upon Ogun, the path opener) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE IMALE (I call upon and give praise to all the Ancestors that preceded the birth of those that came into the world, I praise all the energies of the North, South, East and the West directions) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE ORISA (I call upon and give praise to all the ancestors that have escaped the wheel of reincarnation) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)
IBASE ARIKU BABA WA (Deathlessness is the Father of Character, I call upon and give praise to GOOD CHARACTER)

MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE GBOGBO EGUN WA (I call upon and give praise to all the ancestors of Good Character) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE OMO AIYE (I call upon and give praise to the all the children of the world) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE ONILE (I call upon and give praise to the earth that which supports us, the ancestors that supports us when we walk this world) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE OLOKUN (I call upon and give praise to Olokun, the essence of all things that comes from the debts of the sea, the spiritual Orisa that supports all Black folks in the Americas) MOPEO (I call you) ASE (So be it)

IBASE ASE ASE SE O (As I pay homage to the Ancestors may my homage be confirmed)

This Article is written by AJE NLA (whatsapp +2347031178647).For the following:::

IFA consultation and Divination

Egbe Orun initiation

Appeasement of Egbe Orun

Yes and No questions

Feeding of Ori (inner head)

Feeding of ORISA


Solutions to Problems

Source: https://www.orisa.com.ng


Author: verified_user

AJE NLA Spiritual Traveller | OLOBATALA | OMO OLOKUN, OMO ORISA | BABALAWO OMO ORUNMILA | CEO www.orisa.com.ng | +2347031178647 For IFA Consultation, Divination, Yes / No questions , spiritual guidance, Dream interpretation etc whatsapp https://wa.me/2347031178647

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